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My Book(s):

Well this page, hopefully, will someday be full of my future writing endeavours. ( At least it shows that I'm ambitious! ) At this point the only actual book on display, ready for purchase, is The Muskokans, Book One, Nonquietus. The other spots are taken up by early conceptual renditions of the cover design. A sequel to The Muskokans is under way, so spot number two will be taken up by it upon its completion: 

The Muskokans



A heart-warming tale of a chilling undertaking, of coming of age, and learning what it truly means to be a man. Intrigue, family life, adventure, laced with horrific battles with the dead and the undead. Words float off the page and marinate the imagination with images that linger long after the page is turned.


Click here to purchase a paperback and/or Kindle Edition.

The Muskokans



A Historical Fantasy Action Adventure novel, all taking place in the rugged Muskoka wilderness.


The runner-up cover design!



The Muskokan



I still really like the type treatment on this cover version. It's ominous feel reflects elements of the story. The freehand look is meant to emulate someone scrawling the text in blood. Felt it might be overly sinister, so I altered it to reflect more of the overall personality of the book.


The Solitudes of Neheva Rood



This cover design, which I created as the original story concept, is still a favorite by many who see it, myself included! Who knows, it might just surface as the cover for the sequel. Stay tuned!




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